Perfect Superstar Chapter 185

Chapter 185 – Woman Flower

The recording studio of Flying Stone Records, no matter in terms of scale, area or equipment, was among the best in China.

As an old record company, Flying Stone Records was still very willing to invest in hardware. A big star once lamented, after he finished recording his album in their recording studio, that recording song in such an environment could promote his state to the highest level, or even beyond the limit.

Although the big star’s praise was somewhat exaggerated, the recording studio of Flying Stone Records was really famous in the industry, so Chen Fei’er would always put her album here to produce.

Lu Chen, who came here for the first time, was also shocked.

Even if he wasn’t a professional at recording, he could completely see the extraordinariness of the recording studio of Flying Stone Records. The investment was probably in the tens of millions. By contrast, the recording studio of Nirvana Studio was really weak.

However, Lu Chen still admired Wang Jing and his brother from Nirvana Studio. Under such limited conditions, they still helped him complete an excellent album work, which was enough to be proud of!

Chen Fei’er entered the recording room[1].

Lu Chen, Lin Zhijie, Yi Xiangjun, Fan Jun, MSN and other people from Flying Stone Records stayed in the outside monitoring room.

There were six or seven more people inside, all of whom rushed over after they heard the news.

Among them, Lu Chen even saw a familiar face, a star who was often active on the silver screen.

They obviously wanted to hear Chen Fei’er’s new work.

Chen Fei’er skillfully put on the monitoring headphones and stood in front of the microphone.

She first closed her eyes. Then she took a long deep breath and began to organize her emotion.

Excellent singers with rich experience could adjust their emotions to the best and most suitable for the melodic content of the song in just a few seconds.

When the emotion is in place, the emotion in the song can be fully expressed and will not give people a “false” feeling.

Chen Fei’er has made her debut for more than ten years. She has been in and out of the recording studio for countless of times. It should be very simple and easy for her to organize and adjust her mood.

However, more than half a minute has passed but she still hasn’t opened her eyes.

This was very unusual.

It should be known that this was just an audition[2], and not a real recording. The requirements shouldn’t be that high at all!

The only explanation was that Chen Fei’er has higher requirements for herself and higher requirements for singing this song.

Even if it was just an audition!

The monitoring room was quiet. No one spoke or talk about it. Everyone even controlled their breathing to breathe lightly.

Although with the hardware conditions of Flying Stone Records’ recording studio’s recording room, and that shouting and beating drums in the monitoring room could not be heard by the people in the recording room, everyone was subconsciously afraid of affecting Chen Fei’er.

Three girls from MSN were standing in the corner of the monitoring room. They looked at the Queen of Sweet Song through the big glass window without blinking, looking a little excited.

After a while, Chen Fei’er opened her eyes.

There was a slight smile on the corners of her lips, and she made an “ok” gesture to the sound engineer.

The latter nodded understandingly and pressed the accompaniment play button on the console.

The accompaniment tape used for Chen Fei’er’s audition was completed by Lu Chen and Wang Jing at Nirvana Studio. At best, it was a semi-finished product and definitely needed to be rearranged and recorded.

Of course, there was no problem using it in the audition.

This song will be used on the new album. And as the prelude of the title song, through high-quality monitoring speakers, it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

Lin Zhijie knitted his brows.

Because just listening to the prelude, the style of Lu Chen’s new work wasn’t the same as he expected, and it was… a little rough.

The corner of Fan Jun’s eye twitched, and an unnoticeable touch of cynicism flashed across his face.

However, when Chen Fei’er started singing the song, their expression instantly froze!

“I have a flower,

Growing in my heart,

Almost blooming~.

Day in and day out,

I eagerly wait,

For a thoughtful person to come.

Woman Flower, swaying in this mortal world,

Woman Flower, swinging gently with the wind,

Only hoping for a tender hand,

To console my loneliness inside.


In the monitoring room. Except for Lu Chen, all the musicians were shocked.

Because they could not believe that the person singing passionately in the recording studio was Chen Fei’er.

It wasn’t that Chen Fei’er was singing badly. in fact, she was singing extremely well, with deep affection and creative mood.

It was the song. It was a subversion for Chen Fei’er!

As the famous Queen of Sweet Song in China, Chen Feier’s works have always been famous for being sweet and moving. The songs she sang were always full of tenderness and sweetness, bringing people a sense of happiness and beauty.

Listening to her songs was like drinking honey.

Inside and outside the circle, whenever anyone mentioned sweet songs, the first thing people think of was Chen Fei’er!

However, what Chen Fei’er was singing now was a love song through and through, a nostalgic and sad love song.

Her singing was no longer sweet and delicate, but was low and deep with the flavor of the vicissitudes of life, and even has a touch of desolation.

This was a completely subversive change, a substantial transformation!


I have a flower,

Fragrant and in bloom.

Who would sincerely come follow the scent?

The bloom won’t last long, ,

so just pluck it when it’s still pretty,

A woman is like a flower, a flower as illusory as a dream!

I have a flower,

Growing in my heart,

With true feeling and love, yet no one knows.

Weeds are all over the land,

They have fully seized the hillside,

Leaving the sole flower to enjoy its own excellence is the most heartbreaking!


A woman is like a flower, unable to stand the test of time; a woman is like a flower, giving out a fragrance without words; a woman is like a flower, competing for beauty only for people’s appreciation… A simple song, singing all the sorrow and sadness of a woman.

Although the lyrics were short, it was right to use a flower as a metaphor for a woman. A woman is like a flower, a flower as illusory as a dream. Everything is so empty that people can’t grasp it. The poetic beauty was reflected incisively and vividly.

This was a sad and euphemistic song. A song that makes people heave a sigh and sad. It expresses the feeling of love and control loneliness!

Lin Zhijie looked at Lu Chen in disbelief – How could he write such a song?

In the recording room, Chen Fei’er, who was so immersed in her singing, unknowingly had tears in the corners of her eyes.

She debuted in her teens. To arrive where she was now, it was unknown how many frustrations and hardships she has experienced.

Dazzling in front of others, but shedding tears in private. With people who are jealous of and slanders her, those unspoken rules, and covetous people with ulterior motives, for her to be able to stick to her bottom line without falling into the darkness, aside from the help of her friends, it was also because of her own strength.

She has always guarded her feelings carefully and has never opened her heart to anyone easily, because in the entertainment industry, trustworthy and truly reliable people were too few and far in between[3].

Those well-mannered pursuers may have hidden and selfish motives.

Chen Feier has been rumored to be involved in a scandal a lot of times in the past. In addition to those arranged by the company for deliberate hype, others hang on to her maliciously, which made her more cautious and vigilant about her feelings, and still alone.

But she is also a woman, a fully mature woman.

For so many lonely nights, she longed for a sincere feelings, eager to be picked.

During bath times, while standing in front of the mirror, she stares proudly at herself[4], but she couldn’t express her feelings.

Just like in the song “Woman Flower” – a sole flower enjoying its own excellence is the most heartbreaking!

When Chen Fei’er opened the music scores and samples of Lu Chen’s works, and heard this song for the first time…

She really cried.

“Once fallen in love, you’ll understand the power of love. Once drunk, you’ll understand the strength of wine. Flower blooms and withers. In the end, it leaves only emptiness.”

“Fate never waits, like the spring breeze that comes and goes. A woman is like a flower, a flower as illusory as a dream!”

She is a woman flower in the wind!

She wants a pair of gentle hands to soothe the loneliness in her heart.

She wants a strong arm to lean on.

She hopes to have a home and settle down;

She hopes that someone can understand her true feelings and appreciate her beauty.

She longed for love that could nourish her heart.

She wants to grow old with her beloved person and want to have everything a woman should have.

This song really wrote what’s in Chen Fei’er’s heart, so she made a decision without the slightest hesitation.

Woman Flower.

This is the title song of her new album, as well as the name of the album!

Chen Feier closed her eyes and let the crystal tears fall from the corners of her eyes. She sang with all of her heart.

She opened her eyes again and saw Lu Chen through the glass window.

Lu Chen was also looking at her, his dark eyes with gentleness and understanding, straight into her heart.

Touching her heartstrings!

Inadvertently, the scene of going shopping and singing with Lu Chen that day reappeared in her mind.

She remembered the feeling of Lu Chen’s fingers gently squeezing her cheek.

Chen Fei’er looked away a little unnaturally and finished the last verse.


Fate never waits,

like the spring breeze that comes and goes.

A woman is like a flower, a flower as illusory as a dream,

A woman is like a flower, a flower as illusory as a dream~”

She suddenly felt a sense of loss, as if she had lost something precious in her heart.

There was a moment of silence in the listening room, and then the applause burst out!

The most excited was Lin Zhijie, who was clapping his hand very hard and didn’t care even if they got red.

Because he heard a love song that could be called a classic[5] and heard the most affectionate and touching voice from Chen Fei’er.

This song made him no longer have any doubts about Chen Fei’er’s transformation.

He firmly believed that this album will definitely succeed!

The music director of Flying Stone has a glorious feeling of witnessing history.

Amid the applause, Fan Jun was silent.

He listened to Chen Fei’er’s new song with the mentality of finding fault, but this song made it impossible for him to be picky.

It even made him have no more opinion about Lu Chen.[6]

Because in this world, there were always geniuses that people can never surpass.

Lu Chen was such a genius!

Fan Jun didn’t feel ashamed to lose to a real genius.

He was just ashamed of his previous prejudiced mentality, and Lin Zhijie’s decision was correct.

Lu Chen was fully qualified to supervise the production of MSN’s debut album.

That would be the honor of Flying Stone Records!


[1] A recording studio is made up of 2 parts. One is the recording room and the other is the monitoring room. These 2 parts are usually separated with a wall with a big glass window in the middle. The recording room is where the singer sings to record a song. The monitoring room is where the technical staff, music directors, and other control the equipment. See sample HERE.

[2] 试听 – to check by listening; audition; to give sb an audition. They were just going to listen to the new song and see how good it is. Or They were just checking out the new song. I really feel that the word “audition” wasn’t the right word to use here, so I put this TN here for more clarification, but it’s the translation of the word.

[3] To few and far in between – rare and scarce.

[4] like she was proud of what she has accomplished.

[5] Classic – means something that’s very high quality, particularly if it has lasting value. a work so excellent that it is on the level of the “classics”.

[6] like he is totally convinced about Lu Chen. So he has no more opinion about him.

TN: Teaser for the next chapter will be added later. Teaser is added.

TN: If you like my translations support me in ko-fi: Here.

TN: Song: HERE

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